Friday, March 23, 2012

Lecture - Phyla Nematoda and Mollusca

Parasitic nematodes
Top: A hookworm and SEM of the anterior end of one
Middle: A pinworm and a Guinea worm
Bottom: A large human roundworm and a an intestine infested with them

Today we finished the chapter on nematodes, by discussing aspects of their reproduction, nervous system, and details about their lifestyles (parasitic and free living).
Among the parasitic nematodes we looked into the anatomy and life cycles of hookworms, pinworms, large human roundworm, filarial nematodes, and Guinea worms.

We closed the lecture with a brief discussion of Nematoda en its (still debated) placement in the Ecdysozoa clade within the greater metazoan phylogeny.

We then started our discussion on the phylum Mollusca, by briefly discussing which groups comprise the phylum, how ancient this lineage is, and the great diversity found within it.  We reviewed some of the more general characteristics (eucoelomate, unsegmented, protostomes) and introduced the concept of the Hypothetical Ancestral Mollusc (HAM), also known as the generalized mollusc or the archetype mollusc


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