Friday, April 27, 2012

Phylum Mollusca (Scaphopoda and Aplacophora)
Phylum Annelida

Mollusca: Scaphopoda and Aplacophora
Top: Scaphopodan shell and foot
Bottom: Chaetodermomorph (photo) and neomeniomorph (photo) aplacophorans

Today we briefly covered the lesser known molluscan groups Scaphopoda ("boat-like foot" molluscs) and Aplacophora (molluscs "without a shell"). We discussed their bauplan and some of their most important aspects of their ecology.

Left column: An errant and a sedentary polychaetes
Right column: Clitellates - Oligochaeta (photo) and Hirudinea (photo)

Then we began discussing the phylum Annelida, the segmented worms. We began with their bauplan, and then started with one of the groups: Polychaeta, the most diverse of the annelids. We covered their general characteristics and focused on the errant polychaetes.  Next week, the sedentary polychaetes, and the clitellates.

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